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Re: Firefox Users Won't Be Buying On Windows Live Shopping

  • Subject: Re: Firefox Users Won't Be Buying On Windows Live Shopping
  • From: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 11:53:39 -0400
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: BellSouth Internet Group
  • References: <1146756368.936399.212820@j33g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> <1146758139.73750.0@demeter.uk.clara.net> <1809102.oIgFhZyHSm@schestowitz.com> <jDu6g.12188$Sl4.726@bignews1.bellsouth.net> <e3fk9v$ulv$1@tux.glaci.com>
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1106565
thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Look, here I am laughing again, like an idiot...ROFL!!  So is 2007
>> or 2008 the next "Year of Linux"?
> No, that was last year... don't tell me your still running that
> legacy Windows stuff! :)

I am - it's a nice vintage 2003.  Wonderful bouquet, has great legs...

> Seriously, there will not be any one 'year of linux' any more than
> there was any one 'year of the Internet'.  Growth will continue over
> many years until its arrival as a mainstream desktop will seem
> obvious in hindsight.

According to many cola nuts, it will be ruling the planet in a few years.
Roy Schestowitz says 50% Linux market share in 2 years.  Rex Ballard said
years ago that Linux was growing 2% *per week* (which would put today's
Linux using population somewhere north of 16 billion).

I've read lots of cola wackos blabbering about a "critical mass" being
reached by 2008, etc.

So far it's just a few hysterics on a backwoods newsgroup, but when a more
temperate, measured individual like yourself starts with the fantasizing, I
get worried.

> It has already passed the Mac in desktop share by a couple of points

That would put it at about 5.5% market share.  Sounds way, way high, don't
you think?

> and continues to make gains.

As Ghost likes to say, FSVO gains (on the desktop anyway).

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