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Re: [News] Linux Grows in Asia-Pacific Nations

__/ [ Aunty Diluvian ] on Tuesday 09 May 2006 14:28 \__

> On Tue, 09 May 2006 06:32:16 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>The State of Linux: Substantial Growth in Asia-Pacific
>>,----[ Quote ]
>>| Nearly every day we read about another major migration, adoption,
>>| or engagement of Linux in Asia-Pacific -- and with good reason. After
>>| visiting the region, I find that most of the leading I.T. nations in
>>| Asia-Pacific are experiencing substantive Linux growth.
>>| As a result, far greater numbers of Linux installations and desktop
>>| integrations are taking place today than news reports or announcements
>>| often convey. Although this article is only a cursory review, hopefully
>>| it will testify to the significant growth of Linux in Asia-Pacific.
> The only thing that grows in Asian Pacific countries is rice and
> little slant-eyed, pointy-hat-wearing pirates. Nothing else is
> worthwhile and Linux is insignificant.
Yes, of course.



The world of technology may soon lose its luster to the Eastern nations,
whether you like it or not.

Until, of course, the world runs out of oil...


Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: Brazil spans 47.8% of S. America
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