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Re: [News] Windows EULA 'Translated' into Simple English

n 06/05/2006 18:01, Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
> http://linuxadvocate.org/articles.php?p=1
> Among the terms (legal-speak on left, brevity on the right):
> ,----[ Snippters ]

> | You agree that at any time, and at the request of "content 
> providers" | (eg. media giants such as Sony and BMG), Microsoft may 
> disable certain | features on your computer, such as the ability to 
> play your music or | movie files. | | [...]

> `----
> If you think it's bad, have a look in the site. There are /plenty/ 
> more.

"Prior to the transfer, the end user receiving the Software must agree
to all the EULA terms.", or IOW " ... *you* are responsible for making
sure the buyer agrees to all rules in this EULA."


Surely that cannot be legally binding?

How can *I* be held legally responsible for a third party accepting a
second party's licence?

If I sold someone a kitchen knife, would I be legally responsible if
they used it to commit murder, just because I forgot to ask them to
promise they wouldn't kill anyone with it?


/* values of ß will give rise to dom! */

Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz) on sky, running kernel 2.6.16-1.2107_FC4
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