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Re: [News] MS senior VP Says Linux Servers are Better than Windows

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The changes will help Windows Server catch up to functions already
> | available in the open source Apache Web server, which runs on Linux.
> | The combo has proven popular for hosting Web pages. "There's a reason
> | why it's dominated--there are product advantages to Apache and Linux
> | over Windows," Muglia admits.
> `----
> Wow, Bob! Are you sure you want people to hear this? Steve could throw a
> chair at you right now...
> http://www.informationweek.com/hardware/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=187202786&subSection=Servers

Micoshaft and their reps are lying again.
Micoshaft are not going to catch up because they don't have
any open source products to compete with Apache and GNU/Linux.
Users are drawn to Apache and GNU/Linux because open source is a
feature of Apache and GNU/Linux and micoshaft products
don't have open source feature and therefore not relevant
in the bulging open source market.

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