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Re: Windows Clogs Up the Web

__/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Thursday 18 May 2006 17:00 \__

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  wrote
> on 17 May 2006 09:13:59 -0700
> <1147882439.006589.35310@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Amazing article.  It will be interesting to see what happens if the
>> extortion racket gets much worse.  Might motivate people to actually do
>> something about the hordes of Windows zombies.  Or at least increase
>> the bad publicity for Windows.
>> You know, if you were in control of the internet, like you might be in
>> control of an intranet or an IT department, you would say, the weak
>> point in this system is the Windows boxes---replace them and most of
>> your troubles would go away.
> To be replaced by new ones, hopefully minor.  I for one
> would assume that some users would get very frustrated if
> they couldn't find the "Start" menu, for example.  :-)
> (This gets filed under "where is the 'any' key on my
> keyboard?" and "my cup holder broke" apocrypha, of
> course. :-) )

"Where has my pet Virus gone?"

"Maybe they'll understand when they have a friend like Ben"

> Linux problems are not unknown.  However, this shouldn't
> dissuade anyone from at least trying Linux, any more than
> a stickshift should dissuade people from at least trying to
> drive a car in the parking lot, at least when one is young.
> (Of course sticks are rather rare nowadays.)

...Very much depends on which country you judge by. They are a rarity in the
States, that's for sure.

Treating the stick as an analogy, the sticks are merely inexistent, unless
one chooses Gentoo (like yourself), or Slax, or whatever else best suits the
mechanic (hacker equivalent, I guess)

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Fear not the Penguin
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