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Re: [News] Ubuntu Corporate Push

__/ [ Jamie Hart ] on Thursday 18 May 2006 10:15 \__

> BearItAll wrote:
>> (PS: I don't really only change my under pants on Sunday mornings).
> Of course not, that would be silly.
> Sunday morning is when you turn them inside out to get another weeks
> wear out of them.

That's just sick. While you're at it, why not get the Windows manual to wipe
with? Get it? Wipe Windows. Next best thing to getting a Windows logo tattoo
on your ass. Tattoo Lasts a lifetime, company vanishes within half a decade
or settles on selling violent computer games (for a loss).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    $> sudo root; cd /; rm -rf *.doc
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