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Re: Rex Ballard; +1 (Insightful)

On Wed, 17 May 2006 06:43:07 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Tim Smith ] on Wednesday 17 May 2006 01:10 \__
>> In article <4276285.4LBqm9aEtc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Are you so mentally disturbed that you bother to search staff directories?
>>> stalking someone whose opinions  tend to be very worthwhile to this group?
>>> The one who is disturbed appear to be yourself. You have become obsessed.
>> How are Rex's Baron Munchhausen-like fantasies very worthwhile to this
>> group?
> You call them "fantasies" because they lie in no agreement with your beliefs
> and interests.

He calls them fantasies because that's almost certainly what they are.
(Not that I in any way condone the foul behaviour of DFS towards Rex; Rex
may be mad, but at least he's polite).

Some of the *ideas* Rex expresses *are* worthwile, but he should tone down
the crazy stuff if he wants to be taken seriously.


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