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Re: USPTO Orders 1-Click Patent Reexam

__/ [ Barry Margolin ] on Wednesday 17 May 2006 13:13 \__

> In article <4658657.aGJ095cvNI@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> __/ [ theodp@xxxxxxxxx ] on Wednesday 17 May 2006 04:40 \__
>> > http://www.patentbaristas.com/archives/000395.php
>> > 
>> > It Only Takes One Determined Individual to Bring Down a Patent
>> > 
>> > A lone blogger may have succeeded in getting Amazon's 1-Click Patent
>> > cut short. The '411 patent, assigned to Amazon, is known as the 1-Click
>> > Patent for its claim on ordering items on the web by "clicking" just
>> > once. Based on material submitted by New Zealander and Lord of the
>> > Rings choreographer Peter Calveley, the USPTO ordered a reexamination
>> > of Amazon's 1-Click Patent....
>> What about the smileys?
>>         http://news.zdnet.co.uk/business/0,39020645,39210396,00.htm
>>         Microsoft frowned at for smiley patent
> Have they (or you) actually read the patent?  They didn't patent
> smileys.  They patented a technique for users to create and transmit
> their own *custom* emoticons.  Existing systems that translate smileys
> into graphical icons have a hard-coded list of smileys that they
> recognize.  Microsoft's patent allows the user to add their own, and
> assign a character sequence that they type to represent it.

Prior art I can think of, off the top of my head:

        - Graffiti ribbon strokes (shortcuts) in Palm OS

        - Submission of wallpapers to on-line repositories (KDE/KDE-Look)

        - Translation of actual text into animated sequences in ICQ

>> Or the swing...
>>         http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6368227.html
> Are you sure that one's real?  I tried to find it on the PTO's web site,
> but couldn't.

I wondered the exact same thing. This was brought to my attention in a
different newsgroup.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Computers are useless. They only solve problems"
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