"Befunge Sudoku" <daviddotbudd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> In article <UoKdnddJeOkQA-zZRVnysw@xxxxxxxxx>, apbz91@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> says...
>> Oh do behave are you really attempting to invoke public sympathy for the
>> lecturers lot. Be real, lecturers are overpaid, overpriveledged and
>> underworked.
> You do it, then, if it's so easy and so well paid.
I've retired, but my brother has a lecturer for years
> Academic pay's been dropping in real terms for 20 years now.
That's because they were overpayed initially
> Anyway, the same scales apply to all the academic-related staff too, and
> we work fairly
> hard all the year around (in fact, in my area, the summer vac is our
> busiest time, as
> it's the only chance we get to do major reconfig of the networks and
> systems).
Keep telling yourself that and you may believe it some day, Academics and
overwork heh, akin to the overworked teachers scam. And the general public
don't believe that one either.
> If I'd got out into industry after a couple of years here, I'd be making
> about 50% more
> than I do here. But I stayed just too long, and now only know software and
> systems that
> are more or less specific to Unis, so I'm trapped.
> Luckily the working conditions are good, and the pension is reasonable. I
> keep buying
> the lottery tickets though. Only another 13 years to go...
You bought into a security blanket, it may be that like most town hall
higher grades you didn't want to take the risk / chance it in the private
Your pay rates are far higher than most.
Your holiday entitlement is far better than most
Your pension scheme is a very good one and at least you have a pension
Your "working hours" are lower than most
Your working conditions are better than most
So stop whining, your in a soft cushioned and protected job, unlike most.