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Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 29 May 2006

  • Subject: Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 29 May 2006
  • From: <stats.cola@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 02:53:35 GMT
  • Expires: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 22:53:33 -0400
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1113609

o  This automated posting occurs weekly on Monday.

o  The subject line will be formatted consistently, as follows:
   "Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 01 Jan 1970"
   Substituting the date the statistics were generated.
   Add it to your kill file if you are not interested.

o  Following are two summaries spanning 7 days and 30 days 

o  Times are EST.

o  An archive of summaries is available at:

Summary of articles spanning a 7 day period.

                Analysis of posts to comp.os.linux.advocacy
               (stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 2,294 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun May 21 23:05:06 2006
Latest article:   Sun May 28 22:50:05 2006
Original articles: 280, replies: 2,014
Total size of posts: 6,608,159 bytes (6,453K) (6.30M)
Average 327 articles per day, 0.90 MB per day, 2,880 bytes per article
Total headers: 2,800 KB  bodies: 3,652 KB
Body text - quoted: 1,886 KB,  original: 1,446 KB = 43.40%, sigs: 308 KB
Total number of posters: 195, average 33,887 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 389, average 16,987 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 39

                    Top 20 posters by number of articles
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :    284
 2: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :    107
 3: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :     65
 4: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :     62
 5: Deuteros <deuteros@xxxxxxx>.................................... :     58
 6: Sinister Midget <sinister@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>....................... :     57
 7: Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... :     54
 8: rfischer@xxxxxxxxx (Ray Fischer)............................... :     52
 9: "RD  (The Sandman)" <rdsandman@(spamlock)comcast.net>.......... :     43
10: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :     43
11: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>........................ :     43
12: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>..................................... :     43
13: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... :     41
14: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... :     40
15: JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. :     39
16: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason9999@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................. :     38
17: rapskat <rapskat@xxxxxxxxx>.................................... :     36
18: "Scout" <4guns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............. :     35
19: Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ :     35
20: mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....................................... :     35

                  Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :    631
 2: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :    373
 3: rfischer@xxxxxxxxx (Ray Fischer)............................... :    230
 4: "RD  (The Sandman)" <rdsandman@(spamlock)comcast.net>.......... :    212
 5: "Scout" <4guns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............. :    191
 6: Deuteros <deuteros@xxxxxxx>.................................... :    178
 7: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :    159
 8: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :    156
 9: "0:->" <pohaku.kane@xxxxxxxxx>................................. :    144
10: Sinister Midget <sinister@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>....................... :    136
11: "billwg" <billw@xxxxxxxxxxx>................................... :    136
12: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :    136
13: Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... :    132
14: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>........................ :    124
15: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... :    124
16: mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....................................... :    120
17: Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ :    118
18: "Larry Qualig" <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx>............................. :    116
19: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason9999@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................. :    110
20: "Mathew P." <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>.................................. :    108

               Top 20 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
 1: "nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.... : 99.72%
 2: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... : 92.80%
 3: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>....................................... : 85.52%
 4: tim.the.bastard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 79.00%
 5: thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 74.50%
 6: "asj" <kalim1998@xxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 72.33%
 7: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 69.10%
 8: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason9999@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................. : 68.36%
 9: linux.finance_guy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 67.66%
10: Mark Space <markspace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... : 65.85%
11: 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>..................... : 65.77%
12: Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 65.54%
13: Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... : 65.52%
14: rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roy Culley)................................. : 65.15%
15: Geico Caveman <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. : 64.97%
16: "Oliver Wong" <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... : 63.38%
17: Robert Newson <ReapNewsB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................. : 62.78%
18: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>........................ : 62.30%
19: rapskat <rapskat@xxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 62.13%
20: Douglas Berry <penguin_boy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.............. : 61.33%

             Bottom 20 responders by original text  (> 5 posts)
 1: rfischer@xxxxxxxxx (Ray Fischer)............................... : 5.43%
 2: "Scout" <4guns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............. : 8.67%
 3: "RD  (The Sandman)" <rdsandman@(spamlock)comcast.net>.......... : 9.56%
 4: Deuteros <deuteros@xxxxxxx>.................................... : 12.22%
 5: Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ : 19.02%
 6: Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ : 20.33%
 7: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ : 22.83%
 8: TheLetterK <non@xxxxxxxx>...................................... : 23.37%
 9: "0:->" <pohaku.kane@xxxxxxxxx>................................. : 25.82%
10: "Gustavo Vasquez" <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>........................ : 26.17%
11: "Cameron L. Toew" <oevyyvnag@xxxxxxx>.......................... : 26.67%
12: Colin Day <cday3@xxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 27.34%
13: chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 27.71%
14: "billwg" <billw@xxxxxxxxxxx>................................... : 30.89%
15: ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................ : 31.51%
16: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. : 32.48%
17: JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. : 32.52%
18: Rick <trollfeed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 33.37%
19: mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....................................... : 33.61%
20: Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................. : 35.99%

                     Top 20 threads by no. of articles
 1: United 93 Brought Down by Gun Control Laws..................... :    301
 2: Let's have a GPL vs BSD debate................................. :    105
 3: SQL Server beats the hell out of MySQL......................... :     59
 4: Sun admits ODF is 5 to 100 times slower than Office............ :     57
 5: Can't we at least try?......................................... :     56
 6: Minor Linux turn-offs.......................................... :     45
 7: [OT] Office 2007 Public Beta available......................... :     42
 8: Microsoft forgot Nietzsche..................................... :     42
 9: The 'Microsoft Knows Best' Approach............................ :     39
10: KDE4 Will be everything that Vista Hopes to be....and then some :     37
11: New Software License idea: "The Freedom License.".............. :     35
12: the DaVinci Code............................................... :     30
13: Where Firefox, Opera etc fall short (Windows).................. :     28
14: Sunday afternoon Linux advocacy ramble (longish)............... :     27
15: Erik admits that he's a troll.................................. :     25
16: Why would ANYONE used MySQL?................................... :     24
17: DFS Really Is A Racist. Proof Below---<<<>>>................... :     23
18: Office 2007 Public Beta available.............................. :     23
19: What happened to Walmart's Linux boxes???...................... :     22
20: [News] Google Software for Linux: Picasa Goes First............ :     21

                        Top 20 threads by size in KB
 1: United 93 Brought Down by Gun Control Laws..................... :   1220
 2: Let's have a GPL vs BSD debate................................. :    286
 3: SQL Server beats the hell out of MySQL......................... :    256
 4: Sun admits ODF is 5 to 100 times slower than Office............ :    171
 5: Can't we at least try?......................................... :    151
 6: Minor Linux turn-offs.......................................... :    133
 7: The 'Microsoft Knows Best' Approach............................ :    122
 8: Microsoft forgot Nietzsche..................................... :    108
 9: New Software License idea: "The Freedom License.".............. :    104
10: [OT] Office 2007 Public Beta available......................... :     94
11: DFS Really Is A Racist. Proof Below---<<<>>>................... :     93
12: Smaller Businesses and Linux Affinity.......................... :     92
13: KDE4 Will be everything that Vista Hopes to be....and then some :     85
14: Sunday afternoon Linux advocacy ramble (longish)............... :     81
15: Why would ANYONE used MySQL?................................... :     80
16: What happened to Walmart's Linux boxes???...................... :     69
17: the DaVinci Code............................................... :     69
18: Office 2007 Public Beta available.............................. :     66
19: [News] Are 73% of all Britons Using GNU/Linux?................. :     62
20: [News] The Impact on Linux Servers on the Industry............. :     60

                         Top 20 cross-posted groups
 1: comp.sys.mac.advocacy.......................................... :    333
 2: alt.politics.libertarian....................................... :    297
 3: talk.politics.guns............................................. :    297
 4: alt.politics.usa.republican.................................... :    297
 5: alt.abortion................................................... :    296
 6: alt.world...................................................... :    296
 7: alt.atheism.................................................... :    296
 8: alt.tv.lost.................................................... :    295
 9: comp.lang.java.advocacy........................................ :     65
10: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc..................................... :     28
11: comp.unix.solaris.............................................. :     28
12: gnu.misc.discuss............................................... :     27
13: sci.physics.................................................... :     20
14: comp.os.linux.misc............................................. :     19
15: soc.culture.african.american................................... :     15
16: sci.astro.amateur.............................................. :     11
17: alt.os.windows-xp.............................................. :     10
18: microsoft.public.dotnet.general................................ :     10
19: sci.skeptic.................................................... :     10
20: sci.astro...................................................... :     10

                        Top 20 User Agents by poster
 1: G2............................................................. :     38
 2: Outlook Express................................................ :     21
 3: Pan............................................................ :     20
 4: KNode.......................................................... :     18
 5: slrn........................................................... :     18
 6: Mozilla........................................................ :     15
 7: Unknown........................................................ :     11
 8: X.............................................................. :     10
 9: Forte Agent.................................................... :      8
10: tin............................................................ :      7
11: Gnus........................................................... :      5
12: Xnews.......................................................... :      4
13: Thunderbird (Windows................................... :      3
14: 40tude_Dialog.................................................. :      2
15: pan............................................................ :      2
16: trn 4.0-test76 (Apr 2, 2001)................................... :      2
17: Thunderbird (X11....................................... :      1
18: MacSOUP........................................................ :      1
19: knews 1.0b.1................................................... :      1
20: MR............................................................. :      1

                   Top 20 User Agents by number of posts
 1: slrn...................................................... :   509 (22%)
 2: KNode..................................................... :   495 (22%)
 3: G2........................................................ :   247 (11%)
 4: Pan....................................................... :   218 (10%)
 5: Outlook Express........................................... :   156 ( 7%)
 6: Xnews..................................................... :   115 ( 5%)
 7: Mozilla................................................... :   106 ( 5%)
 8: Forte Agent............................................... :    77 ( 3%)
 9: 40tude_Dialog............................................. :    67 ( 3%)
10: trn 4.0-test76 (Apr 2, 2001).............................. :    53 ( 2%)
11: unknown................................................... :    37 ( 2%)
12: knews 1.0b.1.............................................. :    33 ( 1%)
13: Thunderbird (Windows.............................. :    32 ( 1%)
14: MicroPlanet-Gravity....................................... :    32 ( 1%)
15: tin....................................................... :    32 ( 1%)
16: MT-NewsWatcher............................................ :    24 ( 1%)
17: pan....................................................... :    18 ( 1%)
18: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11...................................... :     9 ( 0%)
19: X......................................................... :     8 ( 0%)
20: Gnus...................................................... :     7 ( 0%)

                             Top 10 time zones
 1: UTC............................................................ :    732
 2: +0100.......................................................... :    441
 3: -0700.......................................................... :    414
 4: -0400.......................................................... :    346
 5: -0500.......................................................... :    264
 6: +0200.......................................................... :     60
 7: +0900.......................................................... :     13
 8: -0600.......................................................... :     12
 9: +1000.......................................................... :      5
10: +0800.......................................................... :      5


Summary of articles spanning a 30 day period.

Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 9077 messages written between 04/28/06 00:00:46 and 05/29/06 04:13:30

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Ray Fischer <rfischer@xxxxxxxxx>                             52  93.70%
   2. Scout <4guns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             35  91.42%
   3. relic <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                               5  89.65%
   4. Deuteros <deuteros@xxxxxxx>                                  58  87.50%
   5. Gustavo Vasquez <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                        15  86.65%
   6. Meat Plow <meat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                               4  86.16%
   7. Markus Schoder <a3vr6dsg-usenet@xxxxxxxx>                     3  85.93%
   8. Dr. Bill <bill_dctrREMOVETHIS@xxxxxxxxx>                      3  84.72%
   9. inseminator_of_white.women@xxxxxxxxx                          3  84.18%
  10. Tom Shelton <tom@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 5  84.04%
  11. Matt Silberstein <RemoveThisPrefixmatts2nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx    3  83.64%
  12. Ken Dorfmann <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                            5  83.25%
  13. Colin Day <cday3@xxxxxxxxx>                                  26  81.97%
  14. Rico Ross <rico@xxxxxxxx>                                     7  81.76%
  15. TheLetterK <theletterk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   50  80.27%
  16. Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                       12  79.69%
  17. Philip <no_one@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                   6  79.62%
  18. Clarence Hickman <chickman@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       3  79.41%
  19. RD  (The Sandman) <rdsandman@(spamlock)comcast.net>          43  78.90%
  20. Kavoorka <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                                9  78.88%
  21. owl <owl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                     9  78.36%
  22. George Graves <gmgraves@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         14  77.93%
  23. Phil Wheeler <w6tuh-ng7@xxxxxxxxx>                            6  77.61%
  24. amosf © Tim Fairchild <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>                     4  77.54%
  25. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>                                      130  77.41%
  26. OK <otto@xxxxxxxxx>                                          15  77.22%
  27. ukuntu <ukuntu@xxxxxxxx>                                      4  77.18%
  28. steve <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                  3  75.40%
  29. Sandman <mr@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                      3  75.37%
  30. Jordan Abel <random832@xxxxxxxxx>                            15  75.36%
  31. GreyCloud <mist@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 37  75.18%
  32. Cameron L. Toew <oevyyvnag@xxxxxxx>                           9  74.11%
  33. Clogwog <BWAHAHAHAAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        12  73.85%
  34. osdfey <who@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            6  73.82%
  35. unionpenny@xxxxxxxxx                                          8  73.39%
  36. AZ Nomad <aznomad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            10  73.37%
  37. Bob <bob@xxxxxxx>                                            10  72.91%
  38. I. Care <icare@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                  6  72.77%
  39. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                  78  72.60%
  40. Paul Cooke <paul.cooke100@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             5  72.13%
  41. Aquila Deus <aquila.deus@xxxxxxxxx>                          31  72.01%
  42. 0:-> <pohaku.kane@xxxxxxxxx>>                                27  71.19%
  43. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              109  71.16%
  44. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         42  70.66%
  45. ws <a@xxx>                                                   17  70.66%
  46. sonu <sanjaykumar.barick@xxxxxxxxx>                           3  70.16%
  47. William Poaster <willpoast@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 123  69.90%
  48. Robt. Miller <robtmil.killspam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                   6  69.79%
  49. Bill <elm8755@xxxxxxxxx>                                      7  69.64%
  50. M <ihatespam.0.a101888@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     145  68.84%

A total of 13520807 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 6999576, or 51.77%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       1172  1527385   1.8%
   2. DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx>                               335   475849  57.6%
   3. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>                          296   284974  49.6%
   4. Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      281   322423  53.7%
   5. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  272   615605  41.8%
   6. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                   266   505079  66.5%
   7. Sinister Midget <sinister@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>            234   369058  53.8%
   8. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>             198   295413  30.8%
   9. Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         193   175133  35.2%
  10. Larry Qualig <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx>                    175   409269  62.7%
  11. flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                169   213725  48.9%
  12. Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>                 146   267876  57.4%
  13. M <ihatespam.0.a101888@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             145   276628  68.8%
  14. Mathew P. <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>                         143   288495  43.2%
  15. JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       133   208871  54.7%
  16. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         132   179217  31.9%
  17. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>                              130   142066  77.4%
  18. Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 128   214644  67.2%
  19. William Poaster <willpoast@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         123   177275  69.9%
  20. Michael B. Trausch <michael.trausch.no.spam@comcas  114   315423  36.3%
  21. rapskat <rapskat@xxxxxxxxx>                         114   155754  40.0%
  22. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>                 113   278554  13.3%
  23. asj <kalim1998@xxxxxxxxx>                           112    90938  32.4%
  24. billwg <billw@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          111   220950  64.8%
  25. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      109    63424  71.2%
  26. Au79 <au79@xxxxxxxx>                                104    78396  42.7%
  27. Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      103   167073  29.8%
  28. mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             95   165350  63.0%
  29. John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                      95    69861  36.5%
  30. High Plains Thumper <hpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    90   122511  61.5%
  31. thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                     89   122659  28.8%
  32. nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                          80   101647   0.2%
  33. Ruel Smith <rsmith002@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                  80    76112  32.2%
  34. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          78   145061  72.6%
  35. tab <trentallenblack@xxxxxxxxx>                      77    26491  26.1%
  36. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                               74    92265  28.9%
  37. arachnid <donthaveone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            69   102541  37.7%
  38. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           66    95711  53.9%
  39. Deuteros <deuteros@xxxxxxx>                          58   112606  87.5%
  40. B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        58    59757  36.6%
  41. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       55   127878  44.0%
  42. spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                 54    65869  58.8%
  43. John A. Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                   54    33194  35.5%
  44. Ray Fischer <rfischer@xxxxxxxxx>                     52   166285  93.7%
  45. TheLetterK <theletterk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           50    90142  80.3%
  46. Da'Punk-A <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   49    80418  63.9%
  47. Bobbie <bobbie4(remove-this)@shaw.ca>                46    78186  42.2%
  48. Chirag Shukla <chiragshuklaindia@xxxxxxxxx>          45    78405  35.4%
  49. RD  (The Sandman) <rdsandman@(spamlock)comcast.net   43   142529  78.9%
  50. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                 42    52419  70.7%

A total of 460 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. danbrownfraud@xxxxxxxxx                     66008 /    3 = 22002    N/A
   2. secretary@xxxxxxxx                          50043 /    8 =  6255    N/A
   3. fakir005 <fakir005@xxxxxxx>                 10834 /    3 =  3611    N/A
   4. Benoît Cosandey <b.cosandey@xxxxxxxx>        8781 /    3 =  2927  65.7%
   5. Greg Cox <gregc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     6733 /    3 =  2244  51.6%
   6. Donald McDaniel <username@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  12884 /    6 =  2147  57.0%
   7. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>        241569 /  113 =  2137  13.3%
   8. Chris Smith <cdsmith@xxxxxxx>               13495 /    7 =  1927  27.5%
   9. Byron A Jeff <byron@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>          16643 /    9 =  1849  46.7%
  10. john.van.v@xxxxxxxxx                         7159 /    4 =  1789   0.3%
  11. Michael B. Trausch <michael.trausch.no.spam200868 /  114 =  1762  36.3%
  12. Karen Hill <karen_hill22@xxxxxxxxx>         10226 /    6 =  1704  23.1%
  13. Alan Mackenzie <acm@xxxxxx>                  6673 /    4 =  1668  54.9%
  14. Steven L. <sdlitvin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     4787 /    3 =  1595  25.2%
  15. Lee Sau Dan <danlee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10355 /    7 =  1479  23.6%
  16. Alexander Terekhov <terekhov@xxxxxx>         4265 /    3 =  1421  60.4%
  17. Lobo <not@xxxxxxxx>                          8419 /    6 =  1403  38.5%
  18. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /  272 =  1316  41.8%
  19. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>              71655 /   55 =  1302  44.0%
  20. Jeff?Relf <Jeff_Relf@xxxxxxxxx>             21962 /   17 =  1291    N/A
  21. linux.finance_guy@xxxxxxxxx                 16551 /   13 =  1273  30.4%
  22. nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                101447 /   80 =  1268   0.2%
  23. Chris Uppal <chris.uppal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  7582 /    6 =  1263  29.7%
  24. thanatoid <waiting@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         3727 /    3 =  1242  33.1%
  25. Joerg Schilling <js@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         4734 /    4 =  1183  25.8%
  26. Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      23611 /   20 =  1180  51.3%
  27. Tony <ttiger@xxxxxxxxxxx>                    3509 /    3 =  1169  32.9%
  28. Free Java \(TM\) <free@xxxxxxxx>             4651 /    4 =  1162  14.1%
  29. Mathew P. <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>                163945 /  143 =  1146  43.2%
  30. Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>             117215 /  103 =  1138  29.8%
  31. Chirag Shukla <chiragshuklaindia@xxxxxxxxx> 50669 /   45 =  1125  35.4%
  32. Mr. Tapeguy <mr.tapeguy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>        3129 /    3 =  1043  41.9%
  33. Davoud <star@xxxxxxx>                        9324 /    9 =  1036  41.6%
  34. Skeets <skillet3232@xxxxxxxxx>              15502 /   15 =  1033  15.0%
  35. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>    204533 /  198 =  1032  30.8%
  36. 0:-> <pohaku.kane@xxxxxxxxx>>               27674 /   27 =  1024  71.2%
  37. Edwards <edwards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  8901 /    9 =   989  27.2%
  38. Lion-O <nosp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 3952 /    4 =   988  17.4%
  39. Bobbie <bobbie4(remove-this)@shaw.ca>       45211 /   46 =   982  42.2%
  40. thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            87318 /   89 =   981  28.8%
  41. Schraalhans Keukenmeester <firstname_DOT_la  3816 /    4 =   954  46.0%
  42. felmon davis <davisf@xxxxxxxxx>              4677 /    5 =   935  24.8%
  43. arachnid <donthaveone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   63867 /   69 =   925  37.7%
  44. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>122067 /  132 =   924  31.9%
  45. Tony Sivori <TonySivori@xxxxxxxxx>          14399 /   16 =   899  39.1%
  46. George Graves <gmgraves@xxxxxxxxxxx>        12563 /   14 =   897  77.9%
  47. Andrew McDonagh <news@xxxxxxxxx>             4455 /    5 =   891  61.8%
  48. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                      65646 /   74 =   887  28.9%
  49. Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 17641 /   20 =   882  33.1%
  50. Super Spinner <Pepe.Smythe@xxxxxxxxx>        5244 /    6 =   874  48.9%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. United 93 Brought Down by Gun Control Laws                  301  789741
   2. Sunday afternoon Linux advocacy ramble (longish)            142  279884
   3. SQL Server beats the hell out of MySQL                      114  227558
   4. Linux is Like The Metric System.                            110  171617
   5. Let's have a GPL vs BSD debate                              105  159684
   6. Java Could go Open Source                                   103  127055
   7. 3 Days Wasted Trying To Make Linux Work.                    101  142158
   8. COLA Stats 30 Apr 2006                                       95  149907
   9. Rex Ballard: Angel of Death                                  83  124992
  10. Why would ANYONE used MySQL?                                 81  138249
  11. Linux is Free-->So Why Such A Low Market Share?              80  124661
  12. What does DFS' anecdotal evidence say about him?             77  264657
  13. Who keeps the COLA stats?                                    76  100481
  14. He's talking about you, cola nuts                            69   83062
  15. DFS Really Is A Racist. Proof Below---<<<>>>                 68  132676
  16. MA Throws in the towel                                       67   78774
  17. What happened to Walmart's Linux boxes???                    66  104572
  18. Daily Fact: Windows Zombie Spam                              63   70791
  19. You can use junk ... or you can be productive.               61   87811
  20. Microsoft: Users May Have To Prove Legal Windows Use         59   90135
  21. It's the about the apps stupid                               58   86660
  22. Sun admits ODF is 5 to 100 times slower than Office          57   99153
  23. Can someone explain the no-change MS mindset?                57   89698
  24. Is Windows becoming irrelevant?                              56   99435
  25. Can't we at least try?                                       56   86954
  26. the DaVinci Code                                             53   56378
  27. Walmart Linux computers - what's the experience?             52   95301
  28. [News] Bush Bashes Microsoft                                 52   80409
  29. .net to Java plugin (Re: 11 Reasons Why .NET Will Fail)      51   76478
  30. More dirty OSS deals?                                        51   44146
  31. Certain prognostications                                     48   83736
  32. Bittorrent F*&king bites                                     48   34510
  33. Windows / VMWare                                             47   48988
  34. She is Out!                                                  46   30456
  35. Minor Linux turn-offs                                        45   81070
  36. Sun Commits to Open-Sourcing Java                            45   44182
  37. DFS Dream Task                                               44   73780
  38. The Universe on Your Linux Desktop                           43   71823
  39. Why Linux + Java                                             43   43772
  40. Microsoft forgot Nietzsche                                   42   61594
  41. [OT] Office 2007 Public Beta available                       42   42340
  42. Windows Can be Hijacked; Exchange Servers Can be Hijacked    40   56094
  43. You may be a Fundy God-Hating troll if:                      39  139866
  44. Java versus C++/C                                            39   92429
  45. The 'Microsoft Knows Best' Approach                          39   76662
  46. It's Official: Microsoft is Dying Very Quickly               38   94714
  47. Having Trouble with Protools and Linux.                      38   59851
  48. Linux to Inherit Virtualization                              37  135070
  49. KDE4 Will be everything that Vista Hopes to be....and the    37   39182
  50. [News] Open Source Compels Proprietary to Collaborate        37   36590

A total of 1319 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. KNode                                2082
   2. slrn                                 1958
   3. G2                                   1126
   4. Pan                                  1024
   5. Microsoft Outlook Express             654
   6. 40tude_Dialog                         287
   7. Forte Agent                           257
   8. Xnews                                 183
   9. tin                                   164
  10. Mozilla                               135
  11. Thunderbird                   132
  12. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0               128
  13. knews                                 103
  14. MT-NewsWatcher                         94
  15. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6              76
  16. trn 4.0-test76                         53
  17. MicroPlanet-Gravity                    45
  18. Thunderbird 1.5                        37
  19. Gnus                                   31
  20. MR                                     31
  21. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7              28
  22. pan 0.96                               27
  23. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.8              26
  24. X                                      17
  25. Pan; Linux kernel 2.6 on     16
  26. Thoth                                   9
  27. Microhard Lookout Expresstrain          9
  28. Forte                                   8
  29. Mail                                    7
  30. leafnode                                6
  31. Hogwasher                               5
  32. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.1.fc4       4
  33. Opera Mail                              3
  34. Unison                                  3
  35. Pan Sun                        3
  36. Microsoft-Entourage                     2
  37. MacSOUP                                 2
  38. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2               2
  39. ProNews                                 2
  40. ViewSplorf 1.0                          1
  41. Mailgate Web                            1
  42. Marks Telepathetic Psycobabble Gene     1
  43. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.5               1
  44. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.4.1         1
  45. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.8-1.4.1.cen     1
  46. nn                                      1
  47. Pan / Mandriva 2006                     1
  48. Pineapple News/0.8.7                    1
  49. pan 0.98                                1
  50. Pine                                    1

A total of 52 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday     1130 ********************************************
Tuesday    1214 ***********************************************
Wednesday  1315 ***************************************************
Thursday   1268 *************************************************
Friday     1527 ************************************************************
Saturday   1295 **************************************************
Sunday     1328 ****************************************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059   229 **************************
0100-0159   242 ****************************
0200-0259   188 *********************
0300-0359   165 *******************
0400-0459   208 ************************
0500-0559   231 **************************
0600-0659   289 *********************************
0700-0759   373 *******************************************
0800-0859   453 ****************************************************
0900-0959   391 *********************************************
1000-1059   457 *****************************************************
1100-1159   408 ***********************************************
1200-1259   399 **********************************************
1300-1359   447 ****************************************************
1400-1459   496 *********************************************************
1500-1559   474 *******************************************************
1600-1659   514 ************************************************************
1700-1759   500 **********************************************************
1800-1859   455 *****************************************************
1900-1959   461 *****************************************************
2000-2059   417 ************************************************
2100-2159   451 ****************************************************
2200-2259   449 ****************************************************
2300-2359   380 ********************************************


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