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Re: Windows' New Selling Point: Fear and Unrest

"rwwff@xxxxxxxxx" <rwwff@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Larry Qualig wrote:
>> There are 660-670 million PC users. Windows has about a 90%
>> marketshare. Do the math if you're able to. There about 600 million
>> Windows users.
> If there is 1/2% for Linux, that is MILLIONS of pcs running an open
> source operating system.  I'd suspect the overseas number is closer to
> 5%, but it'd be impossible to really know.
> And I'd bet that OpenOffice and Gimp have an even higher penetration,
> given that they run on MS and OS.
> Last time I checked this group wasn't titled "comp.ms.must.die"; its

Tell Roy and his gang that : it's all they talk about.

> advocacy of Open Source Linux.  Ten years ago, do you think there were
> a million PCs running Linux?   I don't.

No. And there weren't 600 Million Windows PCs either. What is this path
you are taking?

> In any event, thats pretty dang cool if you ask me.

Its only cool if you treat it as a bit player. OSS isnt there to be a
bit player.

%'wise Linux could & should be doing better. The head in the sand antics
 of a lot of Linux users prevents this - rather than recognise problems
 and address them they merely shoot the messenger.

Fortunately there are much cooler heads at the helm.

The only thing that worries me is the noticable trend for some Linux
distros to be chasing their own tail in an effort to be more user
friendly and "Windows like" - introducing a slew of issues. As the
market share increases so will the range of HW exposed to Linux - and
Linux driver support is not in the same league as Windows for obvious,
capitalist, reasons.

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