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Re: [News] Open Addict: Boycott Novell

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
> Now, more than ever, we need the Free Software Foundation

> ,----[ Quote ]
> | If you are using Suse, please remove it and use a Free version of
> | Linux like Debian or Slackware. I'm calling for a boycott of all
> | software, services and products Novell. Don't purchase, license or
> | download any Novell Linux or software products as long as Novell
> | is in violation of the GPL.
> `----

> http://www.openaddict.com/comment.php?comment.news.227

> It might be the first among something larger that will evolve to become a
> trend.

How the heck are they "in violation of the GPL"?

The GPL has no clauses restricting who you can sign deals with. Microsoft is
quite free to use, distribute and rerelease GPL'd software itself... In
fact, I've heard they do, occasionally, to a limited extent.

So apart from the foolhardiness of actually signing a deal with microsoft...
What breakage of the GPL have they committed?
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