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Re: [Mews] NVidia Pledge for Proper Open Source Driver (PATHETIC)

  • Subject: Re: [Mews] NVidia Pledge for Proper Open Source Driver (PATHETIC)
  • From: flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 11:10:39 -0500
  • Newsgroups: alt.os.windows-xp, comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: mariana.trench
  • References: <1611900.ex2iAZ95mt@schestowitz.com> <ejqfj9$l8p$1@aioe.server.aioe.org> <20061119215934.033923E3A5@smtp4.wanadoo.nl> <GM-dnVRUDIji2_zYnZ2dnUVZ_v6dnZ2d@comcast.com>
  • User-agent: Shysterwitch version
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.os.windows-xp:454596 comp.os.linux.advocacy:1184096
On Mon, 20 Nov 2006 00:09:00 -0600, Rob Hughes wrote:

> Clogwog wrote:
>> Stimpy wrote:
>>> How totally pathetic that Linux users have to beg for proper hardware
>>> support.
>>> Last time it was Mandrake begging for money.
>>> Then it was Redhat and Fedora.
>>> Now a collection is being taken up to bribe Nvidia to write proper
>>> drivers for Linux?
>> 80% of my computer peripherals are not recognized by Ubuntu and .wmv,
>> .asf, and lots of other multimedia formats didn't work. Let's hear what
>> Shysterwitz has to say about that. The COLA idiots 7, culley, kohlmannnnn
>> (usenet nazi), bailo, yttrx are not supposed to reply. I had to killfile
>> them, because they are useless and a waste of bandwidth!
>> b.t.w.
>> Take a look at PIK aka Peter KÃhlmann, a confessed closet homosexual, in
>> his lederhosen.
>> http://www.angelfire.com/psy/doctorbill/Culley_aka_Kohlmann_aka_Kent.jpg
>> lol !
>>> That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard of.
>>> No wonder Linux gets laughed at in the corporate boardroom.
>>> Bet a billion dollar business on software that has to ask for
>>> handouts to get proper support?
>>> I don't think so.
>>> Linux "The OS for the down and out, the homeless, life's losers".
>>> Begging for support.
>>> Now THAT is sad
>>> On Sun, 19 Nov 2006 20:32:13 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> ...pledge at least $10 USD towards the development of the open
>>>> source nouveau driver for the nvidia card series...
> Please post the output from lsmod and lspci -vb. I'd like to see what's not
> being recognized, as ubuntu picked up on my abit an8 and asus a8n boards
> out of the box. Also found everything plugged into both boards, as well as
> my mx1000 keyboard/mouse combo, my digital camera, my ipod, my sd card
> reader, and my thrustmaster cougar joysticks.

Well for starters, the VIA VT64 RAID controller on the ever popular Asus
P4P800 Deluxe boards.

> As far as your multimedia stuff, there's a script you can find by searching
> a bit that will download and install everything you need to play back all
> those formats. They aren't included due to patent concerns, so blame MS,
> et. al., rather than the Ubuntu team. They just follow the law.

I blame Linux when I get the software included with my DVD recorder and it
works fine with Windows.

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