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[News] Novell-Microsoft a Case of Protection Racket

Linux: What do you get if you add Microsoft and Novell?

,----[ Quote ]
| What does the wikipedia say about protection rackets?
| I'll add my comments in brackets {..}. These may or may not be
| accurate:
| "A protection racket is an extortion scheme whereby a powerful
| organization {Microsoft?}, most often a criminal organization or gang,
| coerces individuals {you} or businesses {you} to pay protection money{
| SUSE subscription fee} which allegedly serves to purchase the
| organization's "protection" services {"patent peace of mind",
| S. Ballmer*} against various external threats {patent lawyers}.
| Those who do not buy into the protection plan {Novell subscription}
| are often targeted by criminals existing outside of the organization
| {Microsoft lawyers}. These crimes are typically thought to originate
| from the organization itself. When a business refuses to pay for 
| protection, word is put out that they are outside of the local 
| organisation's protection (these organisations often exist in the 
| absence of a trusted police force) and that the business in question 
| is therefore free game for freelance criminals {IP law firms} or 
| the organization itself.
| The protection money is typically collected by a "Bag Man" 
| {Novell*}. Although the organization might be particularly 
| coercive in obtaining protection money, it is usually careful 
| to shelter {with IP protected protocols/services} its "mark" 
| from attacks by competitor organizations {SCO?} that similarly 
| attempt to solicit or threaten the targeted individuals or 
| businesses. Disputes between organizations concerning "turf" or 
| territory {market share} consequently arise from two competing 
| predators attempting to extort from the same "clients." {linux users} "


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