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[News] Seattle Adds a Spin (As Usual) and Red Hat Responds (Again)

Seattle is perhaps worried about the looming employment levels. Watch the

        Microsoft says it's willing, but Red Hat rejects alliance

        Offer follows deal to make Linux, Windows compatible


So never mind the fact that Microsoft has just thrown accusation at Linux
users, essentially arguing that they owe Microsoft some money. Ballmer never
said /what/ Linux infringes on (let alone what Linux can sue Microsoft for,
as the pact with Novell would seem to suggest). The article doesn't mention
Microsoft's real intentions which are to instill fear in the minds of
prospective Linux users (companies).

Here's an interview that was published today.

RedHat's response: Interview with Mark Webbink (RedHat)

,----[ Quote ]
| "The recent addition of indemnification was only a secondary move
| intended to quiet the noise that a handful of vendors in the industry
| keep making about suing customers over intellectual property.  Youw
| ould have thought they would have learned a lesson from SCO's actions
| in that regard, i.e., threatening to sue your customers is not a
| good long-term business strategy."
| [...]
| ...some in the popular press seem to think that merely making an
| announcement is the same as performing...


Related to:

Interoperability: Is Microsoft All Talk?

Microsoft sure has been talking lots about interoperability, but is it walk,
walk, walking? 


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