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[News] The Monopoly is Crumbling

Leopard vs Vista 3: A Risk Strategy

Microsoft's Crumbling Monopoly

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's monopolistic control over the PC operating system market
| faces stiff competition from two very different fronts:
|    1.Linux and other free and open source alternatives are
| attacking Microsoft's business in server and mass deployment
| markets represented by governments, the Enterprise and emerging
| foreign markets, while
|    2.Apple and its 'Premium PC' Macs are threatening some of the
| most valuable commercial market segments: graphic design, sci-tech,
| film and music production, and boutique consumers drawn to Apple's
| retail stores.
| Microsoft's OEM bundling agreements have long served as the main
| barrier that prevented competition in the market for PC operating
| systems and allowed the company to maintain its monopoly.
| This Windows Price Paradox still works to prevent the adoption of
| Linux, and is a major reason why Apple can't realistically offer
| Leopard for sale as a retail box for PCs. However, the next article
| will examine how this anti-competitive technique will work to
| Microsoft's disadvantage in the choice between Leopard and Vista. 
| Next: Leopard vs Vista 4: Naked PC sales


When corruption and monopoly abuse fail, Ballmer threatens to head for the
courts with baseless IP claims.


The fair-weather "friends of Linux"

,----[ Quote ]
| I just finished reading John Carroll's article Why Microsoft won't
| assault Linux and while I agree with his conclusion, I don't agree
| with his reasoning.  John opens up suggesting that a "full legal
| assault" on Linux would be self-defeating.  I don't think so
| but I do think that filing suit against RedHat would be an
| unnecessary waste of Microsoft's time and money. 
| I would like to dispense with his first point: Patents cut both 
| ways.  While this is certainly true, John assumes that there are
| powerful "friends of Linux" who would counter-sue Microsoft in a
| heartbeat if Microsoft were to use it's patents against RedHat and
| he reminds us that: Nobody has more patents than IBM.


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