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Re: [News] Samba's Full Statement: "Strong Disapproves" Novell Deal

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> __/ [ yttrx ] on Monday 13 November 2006 19:46 \__
>> BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> yttrx wrote:
>>>> BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>>> Quoted for its value:
>>>>>> Samba Team Asks Novell to Reconsider
>>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>>> | The Samba Team disapproves strongly of the actions taken by Novell
>>>>>> | on November 2nd.
>>>>>> | 
>>>>>> | One of the fundamental differences between the proprietary software
>>>>>> | world and the free software world is that the proprietary software
>>>>>> | world divides users by forcing them to agree to coercive licensing
>>>>>> | agreements which restrict their rights to share with each other,
>>>>>> | whereas the free software world encourages users to unite and share
>>>>>> | the benefits of the software.
>>>>>> | 
>>>>>> | The patent agreement struck between Novell and Microsoft is a
>>>>>> | divisive agreement. It deals with users and creators of free
>>>>>> | software differently depending on their "commercial" versus
>>>>>> | "non-commercial" status, and deals with them differently depending
>>>>>> | on whether they obtained their free software directly from Novell
>>>>>> | or from someone else.
>>>>>> | 
>>>>>> | The goals of the Free Software community and the GNU GPL allow for
>>>>>> | no such distinctions.
>>>>>> | 
>>>>>> | Furthermore, the GPL makes it clear that all distributors of GPL'd
>>>>>> | software must stand together in the fight against software patents.
>>>>>> | Only by standing together do we stand a chance of defending against
>>>>>> | the peril represented by software patents. With this agreement
>>>>>> | Novelli s attempting to destroy that unified defense, exchanging the
>>>>>> | long term interests of the entire Free Software community for a short
>>>>>> | term advantage for Novell over their competitors.
>>>>>> | 
>>>>>> | For Novell to make this deal shows a profound disregard for the
>>>>>> | relationship that they have with the Free Software community. We
>>>>>> | are, in essence, their suppliers, and Novell should know that they
>>>>>> | have no right to make self serving deals on behalf of others which
>>>>>> | run contrary to the goals and ideals of the Free Software community.
>>>>>> | 
>>>>>> | Using patents as competitive tools in the free software world is
>>>>>> | not acceptable. Novell, as a participant in numerous debates,
>>>>>> | discussions and conferences on the topic knew this to be the case.
>>>>>> | We call upon Novell to work with the Software Freedom Law Center to
>>>>>> | undo the patent agreement and acknowledge its obligations as a
>>>>>> | beneficiary of the Free Software community.
>>>>>> `----
>>>>>> http://news.samba.org/announcements/team_to_novell/
>>>>> Samba could withdraw the license for Novell to use samba.  That would
>>>>> bugger things up a bit.
>>>>> I can understand samba being worried, but actually Samba have gone,
>>>>> imho, too far past the basic file/printer sharing idea. They are taking
>>>>> some of the secure aspects of communications and email handling away
>>>>> from the Linux, but also for each service their provide the user has
>>>>> another level between them and their goal, taking into account that
>>>>> every service that is exposed via Samba is already available on your
>>>>> Linux.
>>>> Secure aspects of communications and email handling?  You don't know what
>>>> the fuck you're talking about.  Samba is now and always was about Unix
>>>> and Unix-like operating systems interpolating with windows operating
>>>> systems on networks more easily.
>>>> Today, that means:
>>>> file and printer sharing
>>>> active directory authentication
>>>> In short, it is about a free implementation of the SMB/CIFS networking
>>>> protocols, and thats it, period, end of story.
>>> Wrong peabrain, you haven't copied the full list, I suspect you don't
>>> really know Samba nor did you bother with anything other than the first
>>> page of their home page, which is where you copied your text from.
>> Where I copied my text from?  How about this, you fucking worthless goddamn
>> retard:
>> Otherwise, youre just a lying sack of shit.
>> Also, I've set up Samba installations that would confuse you to fucking
>> tears, bitch.  I've written smb.conf files from memory for YEARS.
>> Seriously, you dont know shit about computers or linux.  Maybe you should
>> go somewhere else and learn a little bit first, then come back.
> Dude, please calm down.
> You are pissing all over the newsgroups (and UseNet) when you use language
> like that. You're only serving the trolls here by hurting the credential of
> what's said here. It also drives people away. Remember that it's not Linux
> advocates in the Linux advocacy newsgroup that deserve mistreatment for
> deliberate trolling for a paycheck. Vent your anger at Erik and his
> colleagues from Redmond. They get paid (compensated) for the insults.
> Best wishes,
> Roy

Hey roy, why dont you SUCK MY BALLS until you've been posting on usenet
for as long as I have.  You're the new kid, bitch.




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