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[News] Microsoft-OEM Antitrust Over Vista and Beyond?

Time for Anti-Trust 2.0?

,----[ Quote ]
| PC Manufacturer Acer is complaining that Microsoft has jacked up
| the price of Vista, and that the basic versions are so basic no one
| will ship them. Since the collapse of the Microsoft Anti-trust Case
| under the Bush Administration in 2001, manufacturers have no choice
| but to accede, adding hundreds of dollars to the cost of each PC.
| With Gates now proclaiming victory over European Regulators,
| Microsoft once again seems unstoppable. But Microsoft had drawn
| itself close to the Republican Party. With the Republicans now
| evicted from the House and Senate, is it time to look at the 
| Microsoft Anti-trust Suit? Could Microsoft be compelled to
| lower its inflating Vista prices, or to open their tech or
| even supply funding to Linux-flavored Windows such as Wine?


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