Analysis: Patent law made for tinkerers?
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| If the world of invention is made up more of practical tinkerers than
| of dreamers with iconoclastic imaginations, then the Supreme Court may
| be on the way to creating patent law to fit that world better. And that
| might well be a world in which fewer patents are issued because there
| are fewer really new machines and processes that would be found worthy
| of a legal monopoly. Those seemed to be some of the implications as
| the Supreme Court on Tuesday agonized in public over why the legal
| word "obvious" should not be given an obvious meaning, in the case of
| KSR International v. Teleflex, Inc. (04-1350).
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| [PJ: here you go, hot off the presses, the transcript of today's
| oral argument in KSR International Co. v. Teleflex, and I must say,
| it's looking promising. One brief segment:]...