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XBox 360 Patched, Consoles Get Bricked, Failures Heap Gets Heavy

Update brick your 360? Speak up

,----[ Quote ]
| Since yesterday's update, there are numerous reports about 360s
| being bricked. Some people suspect that this is being done by
| Microsoft intentionally to stop modders and hackers. Xbox Scene
| thinks it has more to do with certain combinations of hardware
| and firmware.



Insurance firm sues Microsoft over Xbox house fire

,----[ Quote ]
| Allstate alleges Microsoft is responsible for all loss, damage and injury
| and was negligent in proving an Xbox with defects.
| Allstate is demanding Microsoft shell out $250,000 to cover the
| insurance costs on the house. The case was filed in a circuit court
| for Prince George's County. An earlier case, linked below, was
| settled between the Weatherfords and Microsoft last year.


Gamers Say Microsoft Understates Xbox Problems

,----[ Quote ]
| An insider from Electronic Arts, Inc. is saying that the failure rate
| of Microsoft's Xbox 360 gaming console is actually ten times higher than
| what Microsoft spokespeople have admitted.
| Game Daily BIZ, a gaming industry publication, reported that the
| anonymous source tallied that of the 300 consoles EA has received,
| 30-50 percent of them have failed.


Lawsuit blames Xbox for house fire

,----[ Quote ]
| "We feel positive it came from the Xbox," said Doug Allison of
| Corpus Christi, a lawyer who filed the suit against Microsoft and
| two other defendants.


Does "360" refer to the temperature? Regardless, I have also found the
following (published on the same day):

So my cousin from Microsoft called

,----[ Quote ]
| Erhmm... My cousin just called who works for Microsoft and was on the
| xbox 360 team. He said first generation xbox 360's are having a SERIOUS
| over heating issue and they might be recalled sometime next week. The
| recall is being considered because the overheating can cause a short,
| resulting in a fire.


Gamers Say Microsoft Understates Xbox Problems

,----[ Quote ]
| An insider from Electronic Arts, Inc. is saying that the failure rate
| of Microsoft's Xbox 360 gaming console is actually ten times higher than
| what Microsoft spokespeople have admitted.
| Game Daily BIZ, a gaming industry publication, reported that the
| anonymous source tallied that of the 300 consoles EA has received,
| 30-50 percent of them have failed.


How Much is Too Much?

,----[ Summary ]
| Microsoft says it will stick with Xbox. But with years of heavy losses
| behind it, the pressure's on for the gaming division to make good


Microsoft stoic despite massive losses

,----[ Quote ]
| If you were to judge by the PR rhetoric, you'd think the 360 was
| an unstoppable commercial juggernaut. As usual though, PR lies.


Xbox Live Outages All Over US?

,----[ Quote ]
| In any case the outages do not seem to affect everyone although I can
| say 2old2play has already received 6 emails, 5 PMs, and several blog
| posts about the outages. One such blogger was told by a service rep that
| he was "experiencing a temporary service outage bubble in his area."
| Apparently the rep had received several similar Xbox Live error codes
| that day, but could not say why. 2old2play is currently trying to contact
| Microsoft for a comment and we'll update this page as we receive word.


Problems with the VOD Marketplace:


Xbox 360: The One Year Retrospective

,----[ Quote ]
| How has Microsoft's early bird console performed? Where have we come
| in one year's time? IGN takes a look back.


XBox 360 cracked

,----[ Quote ]
| ...the new patch is said to boot 'Xtreme' XBox 1 and 360 backups, works
| with originals, and will boot 'all' XBox 1 discs on the 360. If it works
| as advertised, it is quite the coup, but it may turn out to be a near
| miss like the last few...


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