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[News] Xandros Officially Unleashes New Desktop Linux

Xandros Desktop - Professional Spearheads New Line of Enterprise Linux
Management Solutions

,----[ Quote ]
| "Xandros Desktop - Professional," featuring advanced 3D desktop
| graphics effects, Bluetooth wireless support, desktop search
| and ISV support..."

,----[ Quote ]
| "I tried using Xandros as a thin client with Citrix-servers -- and it
| works! Even taking over other PCs in the Windows network works. I say,
| if you want a better looking and better performing network client,f
| orget about Windows Vista, give Xandros Desktop - Professional a try."


>From the past week:

Xandros Linux conquers a hostile Sony laptop

,----[ Quote ]
| I have an impressive talent for buying laptop computers hostile to
| Linux. Right now I'm using a Sony Vaio VGN-FS840/W, with more
| proprietary drivers than you can shake a stick at. It's so bad that
| even a retail edition of Windows XP won't run on it; you need the
| OEM Windows (and sure enough, Sony is too cheap to include the CD),
| or you need to go to the Sony support site, download all of the
| drivers, and make your own supplement CD.
| [...]
| But at the same time, SuSE, which I've used loyally for many years,
| couldn't triumph over this miserable Sony box of mine. Xandros
| didn't hesitate for a moment.


Look out Windows, Here Come (sic) Xandros Desktop Pro V4

,----[ Quote ]
| I have now worked with XANDROS PROFESSIONAL DESKTOP Ver. 4 for about 4
| days. I have added programs, removed programs, used the word
| processing capabilities, installed Windows programs, connected 
| with our server and have in general pushed the system looking for
| the bugs. At this point I have found nothing.
| XANDROS deserves credit for creating a distribution that is easy
| for a Windows user to transition too, while providing most, if not
| all, of the tools needed for both home and office. 


Xandros preps new Linux business desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| To help make it even more friendly to Windows users, Xandros
| Professional also includes the latest shipping version of CodeWeavers
| Inc.'s CrossOver Office. With CrossOver, users can run many -- albeit,
| far from all -- popular Windows applications. For business users, them
| ost noteworthy programs that it supports are the Office 2000 and 2003
| suites. For those who aren't wedded to Microsoft Office, the
| distribution also includes OpenOffice.org 2.0. 


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