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[News] Another Linux 'Poster Girl'

Free and Open Source Software gets new 'poster girl'

,----[ Quote  ]
| 'I never felt the difference (of being a woman). People tell me I've
| been very lucky,' she said in a hall so dominated by young male geeks
| that you'd be lucky to see 20 women in 750 seats. She said the
| corporation she works with, IBM, has a couple of more women working
| on the kernel.



An interview with Linux Australia's cover girl

,----[ Quote ]
| It can be tough being a woman in an industry where almost four in
| five people are men. But that's just another challenge that Pia Waugh
| enjoys, alongside juggling her own consultancy, a research position
| at Macquarie University, running Linux Australia and Software
| Freedom International, and being otherwise heavily involved in
| the industry.
| ...I ended up falling back into IT because it's just a natural fit for me 
| and I love technical work, and then I got into Linux and that propelled me 
| more into IT.


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