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Re: [News] German Linux Trade Group Denounces Microsoft FUD

On Tuesday 28 November 2006 06:53 Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> German Linux Trade Group to MS: Be Specific About Patents - It's the Law
> (in German)
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | "Ballmer's assertion must be viewed as the typical Microsoft approach
> | to alienate the market by spreading rumors or threats", said the
> | official representative of the Linux related companies in Germany
> | in a statement made in Berlin on November 27th 2006. "This is
> | obviously part of a PR campaign related to the market launch of
> | Windows Vista....If Microsoft cannot show evidence to support
> | their claims, then they are outside the boundaries of German
> | competition regulations. We call upon Microsoft to either prove
> | their case, or to refrain from making such unfounded statements.
> | Furthermore, we call upon European Politicians to protect open
> | competition in Europe. In particular, small and mid sized companies,
> | which form the majority of European Linux service providers, need to
> | be protected from tedious legal disputes resulting from pretended
> | assertions of Microsoft."
> `----

That's the translation into English, of course?

Presumably putting it into American, it would read "Put up or shut up"?

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