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[News] 64-bit Sabayon Linux 3.2 Released; TabOS Introduced

Press release: SabayonLinux x86/x86-64 3.2 

,----[ Quote ]
| In less than two months, we are glad to announce another big,
| even more powerful, SabayonLinux release. Three.point.two version
| brings to your Computer the most advanced and cutting edge Linux
| software available nowadays. 


Here's the latest review, with screenshots and even photos.

Sabayon Linux 3.2

,----[ Quote ]
| If you are in the market for a new distro or simply like playing the
| field, give Sabayon 3.2 a try. The developers are currently seeking
| donations as well, so you may wish to keep that in mind should you
| use Sabayon on a regular basis. As it stands, Sabayon is a great
| distro, and I really look forward to seeing what improvements and
| upgrades are in store for the future.


Contains many screenshots and photos. It's a Gentoo with stunning eye candy
and heaps of packages (applications) preinstalled.

TABOS - New Intel x86 Based Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| This is a new operating system, at this stage of development aimed to run
| on intel's x86 platform. Tabos team decided to develop a modular
| monolithic kernel with module loading support, using the x86
| platform features to achieve this goal: multitasking, paging,v
| irtual memory, dma, pci, acpi.



Maybe tab from c.o.l.a. has finally managed to install Linux and even create
his own self-named distro...

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