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[News] The Need for Linux (Competition)

An Uninformed View Of What Linux Needs To Fight Windows On The Desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| Competition is nearly always a good thing. Microsoft has shown
| us that without competition it doesn't need to innovate. When
| Internet Explorer reached the point of total market domination,
| Microsoft let us keep using version 6 without giving us more than
| security patches for 5 years.
| It is only recently, when the upstart Firefox started to show up
| on their pie-charts, that they were jolted into action. Internet
| Explorer v7 was released a few weeks ago, and some people like it.
| (I'm not one of them.) Like it or not, no one can argue that they
| made some changes - for better or for worse. If their market share
| had stayed at 95% or more, would they have bothered to do any work
| on it? 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' seemed to be their motto
| until competition appeared.
| So what has this got to do with Linux? Everything. Microsoft has
| spent an absolute eternity working on their latest version of
| Windows, the soon-to-be-released Windows Vista. Do you think a
| company with billions of dollars in the bank would have taken 5
| years to offer an upgrade if Apple or Linux was gaining ground?
| Not a chance.


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