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[News] Linux Adoption in Government Turns Out to Be Simple?

(Australia) Open source procurement turns out to be a dud

,----[ Quote ]
| "It appears that most CIOs using open source are managing it without
| outside support," the spokesperson said, adding the contract covers
| the provision of additional services to support any Linux
| distribution, should a customer require it.
| [...]
| "An innovative feature of the tender was the option for agencies to
| request a Linux operating system when ordering new PCs or notebooks,"
| the spokesperson said.


A few days ago:

French National Assembly switches to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux, OpenOffice and Firefox favoured
| [...]
| One deputy in favour of the move is Bernard Carayon, commissioned by
| the Prime Minister earlier this year to report on how European
| businesses could play a greater role in developing global industrial
| standards, in order to reduce Europe's economic dependance on other
| regions.


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