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[News] Yellow Dog Linux at High Production Mode

[yellowdog-announce] Terra Soft Showcases Cell Cluster Construction Suite...

,----[ Quote ]
| This industry first provides for rapid cluster node imaging of both x86 and 
| ppc nodes, including immediate support for Intel, Opteron, Apple G3/G4/G5, 
| IBM JS20/21 and p5; IBM QS20, Mercury Cell Blade/1U/CAB, and 



IBM begins selling Cell blades

,----[ Quote ]
| Unlike IBM blades with Big Blue's Power processors, Intel's Xeon or
| Advanced Micro Devices' Opteron, the Cell blades can't be intermixed
| with other varieties in the same BladeCenter chassis. The systems
| run Red Hat's Fedora Core 5 version of Linux.


PowerPC Cell Chip Gets Fedora Linux Support

,----[ Quote ]
| Back in March, when Linus Torvalds put his seal of approval on the
| Linux 2.6.16 kernel, one of the key new features that was added to the
| kernel was support for the PowerPC "Cell" processor co-designed by IBM,
| Sony, and Toshiba. Now, that support for the Cell chip has been brought
| into the Fedora Core 5 development Linux from Red Hat.


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