begin oe_protect.scr
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Friday 24 November 2006 07:36 \__
>> begin oe_protect.scr
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> First 1,000 XO Laptops Roll off the Assembly Line in Shanghai
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| One Laptop per Child (OLPC) has announced a major milestone in its
>>>| mission to develop a low-cost laptop to eliminate global poverty by
>>>| advancing the education of children in developing countries.
>>> `----
>>> The OLPC project (and the PS3) can bring Linux to half a billion people
>>> within a couple of years, according to the founder of the project. And
>>> these are just two channels of distribution...
>> Interesting point. How about 100 Million PS3, 500 Million OLPC, 100
>> Million linux phones...
>> The PS3 has to be considered as a serious contender for the desktop. In
>> terms of management, it will be low indeed.
> Cellphones are actually gaining a lot of traction. I can vaguely remember a
> figure like 1 billion, but whether it was a projection or not, I'm not sure.
> Other studies predict that the majority of phones will run Linux and the
> makers' commitments (so many of them) seem to suggest it's heading this way.
> It's confirmed by the rapid pace that Linux is chosen for mobile devices,
> not just mobile phones. So, all in all, half a billion Linux phones within a
> couple of years seems like a realistic estimate. The Linux phones have been
> particularly popular in Asia and many would suggest that the role of the
> phone is changing (smartphone... 3G... think RIM Blackberry), which probably
> explains the fears of proprietary counterparts. Increasingly, people find
> that they can get their work done on a train, without lugging some heavy
> (and potentially explosive) laptop.
In reality, this is precisely why I like my Nokia 770. I gave up
carrying a laptop around ages ago.
| Mark Kent -- mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk |
Love means nothing to a tennis player.