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Re: [News] Seems Like Sony Could Sell 120 Million WorkStation 3's After All

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> __/ [ Oliver Wong ] on Wednesday 22 November 2006 23:38 \__
>>     Roy, why don't you refer to products by their actual names?
>>     - Oliver
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/594b536abae1003d
> But you're right, I just wanted to convey the fact that the PS3 is beyond 
> a
> simple gaming console (which facilitates limited Web-bound software like
> iiM, Web browser and online RPG).
Good point about Sony push,  which will KILL or make it very successful, 
the problem is history is against them.  Every other game console that tried 
to be more than it was died fairly quickly.   The issue is the PS3 all the 
more powerful than the 360?    At least from what I have seen most 
developers don't seem to think its all that more powerful the 360.   The 360 
has more texture memory,  which will make the games look better.  the Wii 
may not have the power but Nintendo didn't have to copy Sony with its 
controls.    The other specs are about the same between the 360 and PS3. 
The issue will be can the developers use that power,  and the problem is 
Sony made a console thats right up there with the Sega Saturn,  in terms of 
ease of use.   If you don't know the Saturn is considered the worst console 
to program games.  All Sony has is hype,  even more than last time. 

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