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Re: [News] British Government Sabotages Open Source in Schools?

Roy Schestowitz wrote: 

> MPs criticise government roadblocks to Open Source adoption
> in schools 
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| UK Members of Parliament have identified Department of
>| Education and Skills (DfES) and Becta policies as
>| favouring proprietary software vendors thereby blocking
>| the adoption of Open Source software by schools and
>| colleges. An Early Day Motion tabled by Liberal Democrat
>| MP John Pugh, has called for a fair approach to ICT
>| procurement in the education sector.
> `----
> http://sourcewire.com/releases/rel_display.php?relid=28349&h
> ilite= 
> Some folks at the Manchester Linux Users Group have taken
> action to the Parliament a couple of days ago (related to
> the above, according to the mailing list). Open Source (and
> Linux) will come to schools sooner or later. It already
> prevails in some local schools and it proves to be rather 
> successful.

I find this quote of interest:

| Mark Taylor, OSC President added: ?Schools and colleges
| must keep pace with the adoption of Open Source software in
| industry or limit the employability of their graduates.?

I am surprised by their proprietary procurement model and it 
is good that the PM pointed this out.

BTW, is there any relationship between DfES and DFS?   :-)


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