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[NEWS] Roy Schestowitz doesn't tell you the really important stories!

  • Subject: [NEWS] Roy Schestowitz doesn't tell you the really important stories!
  • From: "Clogwog" <BWAHAHAHAAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 21:24:52 +0100
  • Mail-to-news-contact: abuse@dizum.com
  • Newsgroups: alt.os.windows-xp, comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Klompenmakerij "'t Wilgje"
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.os.windows-xp:454738 comp.os.linux.advocacy:1184494
[NEWS]  More than 10,000,000 Americans (about 3.5 percent of the population) 
to fill in their tax declaration.

[NEWS] In America 21,000 children, annually, have to go to the first aid 
of a hospital because they have swallowed a coin.

[NEWS] Parker Brothers, producer of the game monopoly, annualy prints 2 time 
more '
money ' than the American government.

[NEWS] Where is your piggy bank? According to American Express 22 % on 
attic, 22 %
in the cellar and 14% have been put away ' safely ' in the refigerator.

[NEWS] More than 30 % of all American students expect to be a miljonair when 
are 40 years of age.

[NEWS] Shortly after the inauguration of president Bush Jr. a customer of 
Queen in Danville, Kentucky (USA) paid with a false 200 dollars note. On the
bill there was an image of  George Bush sr. and the text was: "we love
broccoli". With that the maker referred to the father of Bush  Jr. who hated
vegetables. The plea of the cash girl, who returned 198 real dollars to the
counterfeiter, was: "yes, it looked exactly real!" A bit strange however,
because there are no 200 dollars bills in the US.

[NEWS] 51% of American paper money have traces of cocaine.

[NEWS] Whatever you do, never download/run the Bughunter Trojan 

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