Making hay in the open field
,----[ Quote ]
| While the rest of the open-source community rails over Microsoft's
| deal to support Novell's SuSE Linux, Red Hat chief executive Matthew
| Szulik considers the agreement an early sign that Microsoft has run
| up the white flag on open source.
| He says the Microsoft-Novell deal is the clearest indication yet
| that Microsoft Windows Vista will "not meet expectations" of corporate
| and government buyers.
Backing for claim (recent news):
Study: No Vista for majority of European businesses
,----[ Quote ]
| More than half of European organizations have no plan to upgrade
| to Windows Vista, according to a Forrester survey.
Forrester: Consumers won't rush to Vista
,----[ Quote ]
| Much has been made about the fact that businesses likely won't be
| in a hurry to upgrade to Windows Vista. But a report by Forrester
| Research Inc. suggests consumers won't stampede to purchase the
| new OS either.
Office 2007 may be Microsoft's Titanic: former Government IT boss
,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates has been talking up Office 2007 ahead of its business launch
| on November 30. However, the recently departed deputy CIO of one of
| Australia's biggest government Microsoft sites believes introducing
| the new version of Microsoft Office may be the company's biggest
| ever disaster.