Geico Caveman wrote:
> DFS wrote:
> > Nov. 10, 2005: "This is a Linux newsgroup."
> >
> > Nov. 10, 2005 to Oct. 10, 2006: Roy sends 3,850 posts to cola discussing
> > Microsoft.
> Could there possibly be a biggger advertisement for Linux than Microsoft ?
Sure. Redhat, Novell, Ubuntu, etc.
> But I agree, Roy would do well, to reduce the amount of Microsoft specific
> posts, choosing only those Microsoft posts that contrast the benefits of
> Linux and open source exclusively, point by point.
What???? You don't see the obvious connection between Bill Gates
salary and Linux? The connection between where Steve Ballmer goes on
vacation and Linux? The connection between the brand of car Gates
drives and Linux? The connection between Nasdaq trading volume for MSFT
and Linux?