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[News] Free and Open Culture in Research

Science Matters by David Suzuki

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently, news blogs and newspapers reported that some politicians
| had cribbed research conducted by my foundation and used the information
| to build their own environmental agendas.
| [...]
| So if you ask me if it bothers me that politicians are stealing the
| solutions brought forward by my foundation, the answer is no. To use
| a computer term, we consider this information "open source." It's a free 
| buffet; please take all you like. The whole reason why we do the research
| is to effect change. If those who have the power to make those solutions
| happen actually use that information, so much the better. This is how
| change happens.


Research and openness (in content, software, communication, etc) enjoy a
highly symbiotic relationship that benefits everyone (no barriers).

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