Sun forms governance board around OpenSPARC
,----[ Quote ]
| Sun said the community also includes a new
| GNU/Linux distributor, Gentoo Linux, which is now supporting UltraSPARC T1
| in the latest release of its open source operating system (OS), and the
| first published derivative of the chip design from Simply RISC.
| [...]
| According to Sun, the OpenSPARC initiative is showing strong adoption,w
| ith more than 3,500 OpenSPARC T1 hardware downloads and 2,600 software
| downloads since the initiative's introduction in March.
| [...]
| Ubuntu Linux, which last May was the first third-party to announce a port
| of its GNU/Linux OS to OpenSPARC, has now logged more than 3,000 downloads
| of its OS onto OpenSPARC, and at least 800 sites running Ubuntu on SPARC,
| Sun said.