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[News] Prebundle OpenOffice Everywhere?

Bundle OpenOffice.org on Every New Computer

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft might not want OpenOffice.org pre-installed, Dell might not want
| to take that step, Apple might not want to ruffle MS feathers, and all
| the other companies might not want to do so. Guess what? They don't get
| to decide. We're the customers. We decide. We pay their paychecks.
| They're producing products for us, not vice-versa.


It seems like Phil continues his trend of creating a new blog for each
item/statement/mission. He posts to Digg and Slashdot as well.

Earlier today I was impressed (pardon the pun) when it discovered that
Impress in OpenOffice 2 not only exports as HTML and PDF, but also as Flash
(SWF). And with OpenDocument Presentation (ODP) in tact, how long can
Microsoft/Office lag behind...?

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