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Re: [News] Microsoft Wants to Compete with/Kill PDF

On 2006-10-17, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:44:42 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Microsoft's PDF-killer heads towards standards body

>> They recently did the same to Flash, JPEG, ODF, video, audio, OpenGL, DRM...
>> it has all _GOT_ to be controlled by Microsoft... and therefore
>> punish/extinguish the competition. Be scared.
> As far as I can see,

There you go with the long verbiage again, Erik. Please refrain from
pretending you know anything by keeping content in your responses down
to no more than 3 mono-syllabic words.

"In short: just say NO TO DRUGS, and maybe you won't end up like
the Windows people."

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