On Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:51:52 +0000, Sinister Midget wrote:
> On 2006-10-13, Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
>> You're doing a grand job Erik. Quoting all of Roy's [News] posts with
>> your stunning one liner followups so that those who have Roy S kill
>> filed get to see his posts in their entirety. A truly cunning bit of
>> Linux advocacy. :-)
> An added plus is if any of our servers drop the posts and we don't get to
> see them, Erik ensures they're available through alternate means.
> Too bad we can't figure out a way to make sure he sees the things that
> really interest him as well. Things like questions concerning where NT
> saves its journal, how he arrived at the quantity of "dozenes of root
> exploits per month", why it's OK for someone to post personal information
> about others in the group when he thinks it's bad for people to post
> personal information about themselves..........
As well as what about using MS TT fonts on Linux, & can he provide
evidence for plenty of examples of competing ISO standards?
> Damn! I did it again. Erik won't see this post and my praises for his
> advocacy because I mentioned some things his ISP keeps dropping.
Trolls & replies to trolls
are filtered out, as are
googlegroup users.