ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On 12 Oct 2006 10:04:03 -0700
> "Larry Qualig" <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > at the same time the charter should advise strongly against
>> > complaints about linux.. this is not a group for complaining about
>> > linux, but rather it's promotion.
>> Doesn't the charter say that this newsgroup is for *discussing* Linux
>> and how it compares to other operating systems? If so, then why bury
>> your head in the sand and only discuss one side of the OS (only the
>> good) while pretending the other side doesn't exist?
> If thats the case, then roy is operating completely within the charter,
> discussing the pros and cons in comparison with the market.
Do you not read Roy's posts? How is constantly talking about ONLY MS
products and personalities anything to do with Linux? The agenda is to
discuss pros and cons of Linux and to contrast and compare where