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Re: Great News! - Linus Torvald buys an Apple Mac Mini!

__/ [ Oxford ] on Thursday 12 October 2006 00:37 \__

> Looks like after years of saving (on a Linux type budget) has allowed
> Linus Torvald to buy a new Intel based Mac Mini! He still prefers the
> Macintosh PowerPC version, but it shows he is moving forward towards
> Intel OSX.
> Full story below on ZDnet!
> Linus Torvalds has picked up one of Apple's new Intel-based Mac minis to
> play with, but the Linux creator still prefers Apple's old PowerPC
> architecture for his primary desktop machine...
> http://snipurl.com/ys4h
> Good to see Linus is moving up in the world!

You seem to proudly suggest that Linus Torvalds cares for something beyond
the neatly-designed hardware. I actually posted about this to c.o.l.a.
earlier on as there's nothing to be hidden. There no question about the
value of high-end Apple hardware, which is  -- accordingly -- expensive.

> You can get your Mac Mini here!
> http://www.apple.com/macmini/
> For various countries to obtain yours, go here:

Okay, this is where you go a little silly, IMO. I could never figure out what
Apple zealots of so-called 'Macheads' are motivated by. I am thinking not
about recommendations to friends, but actual active evangelism that assists
Apple's aggressive Marketing Department. You are of course aware that some
people at Apple Corp. are making millions or billions while you evangelise
their platform without being rewarded...

Moreover, you encourage people to join that 'clan' of DRM'ed, 'zombified'
people whose data is an asset of the seller. Here you deal with customers
rather than /users/ and thus your contribution can be perceived as free
labour. I don't criticise, but I would like the point out the difference
between being a developer/contributer in a community, as opposed as a
commercial 'umbrella'. Microsoft gets that same free labour which it
encourages with its MVP program.

> Prices start around $599 US, and it will use all your existing
> equipment. (keyboard, monitor, printers, scanners, mice, memory,
> cameras, video cameras, microphones, etc)
> <snip contact details>
> Apple will sell close to  1,800,000 Macs over this last 100 days, so it
> is the platform of choice if you want to make money with your Unix based
> Apps!

Adoption is Apple products if good for Linux (and vice versa). I just hope
people grasp the fundamental difference between the two camps. I see many
people (even Linux users) who openly exhibit that passionate 'Ubuntu envy',
but all that taken into consideration, we are all on the same boat. Once a
person hops onto Ubuntu (even OS X), dancing between platforms/distributions
is simplified. Suddenly there's choice, there's room for manoeuvre. Without
lockins, the vendor is forced to please the customer.

> Enjoy!
> <snip>
> <snip>
> Start programming for OSX, for free here:
> <snip>

As long as it's not Cocoa or some other platform-centric stuff. *smile* Open,
cross-platform API's reduce the risk. Shall one platform lose popularity (or
your customer decide to change), you retain your dominant position. Never
put all the eggs in a single basket.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Somebody, give this politician a wedgie"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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