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Re: [News] Microsoft Awarded Adware Maker

__/ [ Oliver Wong ] on Wednesday 11 October 2006 21:19 \__

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:19345845.ch8zNrmJSE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Microsoft getting nuts! Awarding adware makers
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | One week after it named the creator of a Windows Messenger add-on to its
>> | list of Most Valued Professionals (MVPs), Microsoft has revoked the
>> award
>> | after critics pointed out that the program is used to distribute
>> | adware. Bottom line is, Microsoft is rewarding someone that has an
>> | active involvement with one of the most maligned names in PC hijacking.
>> | How can people trust their Vista security, if they give reward to
>> | malware makers, spammers?
>> `----
>> http://bloggism.net/?p=109
>     Isn't it obvious how unfair this criticism of Microsoft is? Some guy
> wrote what seemed like valuable software. Microsoft praised them. Turns out
> the guy also writes malware. Microsoft chatises them. From this, how does
> one deduce that "Microsoft rewards malware makers, spammers"?
>     That's like saying SUSE condones murder, because they use ReiserFS, as
> the creator of ReiserFS is accused of murdering his wife.

Firstly, see my subject line. It was by no mean deceitful.

Secondly, Novell had adopted ReisterFS /before/ that _possible_ incident.
Microsoft awarded a guy /after/ he had done something wrong, which is
negligent. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, but bear in mind that
it's pressure from the blogsphere that probably compelled MS to retract the

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    No SCO code was used to generate this sig
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