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[News] DRM Could Lock Users Out of DVD Access

Protect DVD-Video - A slap in the face for PC and Media Center owners

,----[ Quote ]
| Protect DVD-Video protects a DVD by basically making it un-playable in a 
| DVD drive that's in a Windows-based PC (I've no information on whether this 
| also locks out Linux users - I would imagine that it does).



DVD Jon Fairplays Apple

,----[ Quote ]
| DRM-buster DVD Jon has a new target in his sights, and it's a big piece
| of fruit. He has reverse-engineered Apple's Fairplay and is starting to
| license it to companies who want their media to play on Apple's
| devices. Instead of breaking the DRM (something he's already done), Jon
| has replicated it, and wants to license the technology to companies that
| want their content (music, movies, whatever) to play on Apple devices.
| This may not be good news for iTunes the store, but it could make the
| iPod even more popular.
| Jon Lech Johansen became famous for hacking encrypted DVDs so they would 
| play in Linux when he was 15, making him the target of criminal charges for 
| which he was eventually acquitted...


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