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Re: [News] Oracle Joins FSG

__/ [ Roy Schestowitz ] on Thursday 26 October 2006 17:48 \__

> Oracle Joins the Free Standards Group as a Platinum Member
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | FSG is a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening
> | and promoting Linux as a platform for application
> | development. Oracle plans on contributing to FSG's
> | Linux Standard Base (LSB) workgroup and providing
> | feedback and guidance on its requirements for
> | developing and supporting enterprise applicationsf
> | or Linux. Oracle's support of the FSG and LSB is a
> | significant milestone in the development of the
> | standard and highlights the LSB's success in solving
> | Linux application development issues.
> `----
> http://tinyurl.com/ykpkxu
> Sounds like a money-pumping opportunity. OSDL sponsors, Debian funding,
> Ubuntu's Shuttleworth (and lately KDE)... maybe those big players could
> help?

Typo in subject line. I'd like to add:


"It's my job for Oracle--the number two software company in the world--to
become the number one software company in the world. My job, is to build
better than the competition, sell those products in the marketplace, and
eventually supplant Microsoft and move from being number two to number one."

Bullish he might be, but let's wish him good luck as he topples Microsoft
along with Google. At least Linux would reign. MySQL will open up the rest
(and the very core problem). 

There are heaps of views, articles and analyses of this. Here's one that I
found particularly interesting.

Credit Suisse cuts Red Hat to "neutral"

,----[ Quote ]
| --Credit Suisse said the move by Oracle Corp. to offer full support
| for Linux and the rousing endorsement from the broader partner
| ecosystem is likely to create pricing pressure and some modest
| customer attrition.


Red Hat will at least realise that they cannot (and shouldn't) price their
products and services as high as Microsoft. Ultimately it's the customer
that benefits. I guess Oracle's move is the equivalent of CentOS on

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