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[News] PlayStation 3 (Linux+Games) Prelaunch a Great Success

PlayStation 3 shines in prelaunch test

,----[ Quote ]
| ... And I was impressed by this game, despite the
| fact that I can barely be bothered to acknowledge
| hockey in the real world. But this game looks good,
| and since it doesn't focus on the players' faces,
| I don't have to get creeped out by their eyes.
| Instead, I focus on the stellar graphics, the
| realism of the ice, and I have to remind myself
| that this is not a televised hockey game. 


There is a lot of disinformation going about, possibly tracing
back to XBox shill sites which are rewarded by Microsoft. It's
akin to the "Firefox is a mess" and "Mac is not secure" FUD.

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