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Re: PING : Bill / Stacey etc

__/ [ Paul ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 21:09 \__

> On 10 Sep 2006 20:03:14 GMT, John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>No: bad of the person who stated KimmoA (IIRC) needs medical help.
> I stand by what I say.
> You may want to read these too.
> He is a troll EVERYWHERE he goes.
> One very sad child.

Ouch. I'd be careful to judge anyone based on forums _without_ hearing the
other side of the story. However:

,----[ Quote ]
| [QUOTE=badon]The forums were shut down for a few hours while the security
| was tightened a little to keep the DDoS attacks out. One of the
| disgruntled group users initiated the attacks. This is the second attack
| from this individual.
| Here's the message that was displayed while the forums were down - It
| explains what happened:
| [i]Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment due to repeated 
| distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
| The person responsible for these attacks is Kimmo Alm -
| [url]http://www.kimmoa.se/[/url]
| If you would like to express your disappointment in his behavior you
| may write to him at his HOME address:
| <address snipped>
| Please don't write anything too nasty though, because this 20 year old
| man still lives with his mother, and it wouldn't be polite to upset her.
| Alternately, you may call him directly on his cell phone at <snip >.
| USA callers must dial 011 first, in order to make an international call
| to Sweden.
| Swedish police have already been contacted for a previous incident, but
| if you're in Sweden and you wish to make another report for this
| incident, feel free to do so.
| In the meantime, please enjoy an additional selection of Kimmo's
| self-published information:
| His blog - [url]http://blog.kimmoa.se/[/url]
| His web development company - [url]http://www.swesol.com/[/url]
| His personal web site - [url]http://www.kimmoa.se/[/url]
| His résumé - [url]http://www.kimmoa.se/CV.html[/url]
| [/i][/QUOTE]


,----[ Quote ]
| Sorry.
| I forgot that you're a bunch of narrow-minded rednecks who don't know how
| to read, much less put yourself into someone else's situation.

Bad, bad, bad. I hope he reads this and can voice some defensive words. The
latter is unlikely to be an imposter and I don't know if he is only being
framed. I had some psychopaths who pretended to be me and posted lies to
muck my name. So I'd like to her Kimmo's side.

Best wishes,


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