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Re: [comp.os.linux.advocacy] FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III

  • Subject: Re: [comp.os.linux.advocacy] FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III
  • From: High Plains Thumper <hpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:43:45 +0000 (UTC)
  • Cache-post-path: ella.cg.yu!unknown@221m35.oasis.mediatti.net
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Internet Crna Gora NNTPCache groupie
  • References: <Xns9839CA91AF648hpt@> <2524582.gJ2l5qUZV7@schestowitz.com>
  • User-agent: Xnews/5.04.25
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1152433
Roy Schestowitz wrote: 
> High Plains Thumper on Saturday
>> Following is excerpted from:
>> http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/
>> <snip />
>> 1.4 The Charter of comp.os.linux.advocacy
>>    The charter of comp.os.linux.advocacy is:
>>      For discussion of the benefits of Linux compared to
>>      other operating systems.
>>    That single sentence is the one and only charter of the
>>    newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy. The newsgroup's
>>    charter is for the newsgroup as a place for supporters
>>    of Linux to gather to discuss Linux, for the betterment
>>    of the Linux community and the promotion and
>>    development of Linux. It supports this as a place for
>>    those who would like to learn more about Linux to come
>>    to learn from those who know Linux. It does not call
>>    for it to be a place where the anti-Linux propagandists
>>    to gather in order to discredit Linux.
> I hope you set this post to a weekly recurrence. It's more
> valuable than it may seem on the surface.

True.  Minimum posting should be at least monthly, I'll give it 
a shot.  Also, we know that this so called second charter that 
some have brought up in the past, in truth does not exist.



or http://tinyurl.com/g4f4k

> Following is the historical context:
> Mr. Dave Sill <d...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted to various
> newsgroups subject, "2nd RFD: comp.os.linux reorganization"
> Dated: 14 Oct 1994.
> Post is archived at
> ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/news.announce.newgroups/comp/co
> mp .os.linux-reorg3
> or http://tinyurl.com/egj8s (user friendly of the same)
> Reorganisation was prompted by excessive levels of traffic
> in comp.os.linux.help newsgroup.  Mr. Sill initiated a
> Request for Discussion (RFD), which after discussion and
> approval, resulted in 5 additional groups being added. 
> c.o.l.help was relegated to c.o.l.misc with c.o.l.help
> being retired. 
> c.o.l.help was replaced with:
> 1) comp.os.linux.advocacy - For discussion of the benefits
> of Linux compared to other operating systems.
> 2) comp.os.linux.development.apps - For questions and
> discussion regarding the writing of applications for Linux
> and the porting of applications to Linux.
> 3) comp.os.linux.hardware - For questions and discussion
> specific to a particular piece of hardware.
> 4) comp.os.linux.networking - For questions and discussion
> relating to networking or communications.
> 5) comp.os.linux.x - For questions and discussion relating
> to X Window System.
> Thus, group c.o.l.advocacy originated out of c.o.l.help.
> It was born out of a need to expand help categories. 
> Charter for c.o.l.help was, "Discussion of Linux-specific
> questions and advice".
> Per RFD, "This proposed reorganization was prompted
> originally by the excessive level of traffic in
> comp.os.linux.help.  Following a straw poll conducted by
> the proponent, an RFD was posted for breaking
> comp.os.linux.help into various subgroups and creating
> comp.os.linux.answers for separating the documentation and
> announcements currently posted to comp.os.linux.announce. 
> During the discussion period, it became evident that it
> would be preferable to create the groups directly under
> comp.os.linux, rather than splitting comp.os.linux.help."
> A relationship between "help" and "advocacy" is
> established. 


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