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Re: COLA Stats 10 Sep 2006

begin  risky.vbs
	flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On Sun, 10 Sep 2006 02:03:11 +0200, Roy Culley wrote:
>> Outstanding IMHO. I really appreciate his News articles but even
>> more enjoyable is seeing how much it pisses off the wintrolls. The
>> fact they have to resort to personal attacks shows just how much
>> Roy's articles piss them off. Its water off a ducks back to Roy
>> thankfully.
> Personal attacks?


> You mean like your commentary in your *stats* messages?

So you deny being a 'TROLL / THIEF / LIAR / RACIST'? I didn't include
homophobe and anti-semitic as there ain't enough space.

> By your reasoning, that must mean that the trolls are pissing YOU
> off.

Not at all. I know how to use a killfile. Troll feeders piss me off
much more.

> But I'm sure they know that already.
> BTW, Roy isn't pissing anyone off.

Hehe, whatever you say flattie.

> In fact he's given the trolls here an endless collection of new
> material to use!

I'm glad you realise that those pissed of with Roy's posts are, in the
main, trolls. Including you of course. The personal attacks on Roy
have been indicative of how much he bothers the likes of you. Only Rex
has been subjected to venomous personal attacks on this scale.

> I don't see anyone leaving.
> Do you?
> Look at it this way, a stereotypical Linux geek who spends 24x7 re-posting
> messages because he has no social life.
> It's classic! And it makes for great trolling material.
> I nominate Roy for the "Linux Geek Poster Boy of The Year" Award.

I'll nominate him for having the stamina to post on-topic News articles
despite the personal abuse he gets from trolls such as yourself.

> He is also, by virtue of the sheer number of posts, driving
> informative messages right off the news servers.

Utter unsubstantiated bullshit. A text newsgroup such as COLA uses a
tiny amount of resources compared to binary newsgroups. Please give a
single example of a newsfeed that has reduced article retention of
COLA since Roy started posting? Just one. I remember when 4,000+
articles per week were the norm on COLA. Compared to other text only
newsgroups like alt.atheism COLA is but a pimple on your backside.

> [snip]

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