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Re: [News] Games Flourish While Microsoft's Xbox 360 Sales Disappoint

On 2006-09-09, Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Game Sales Jump, Despite Xbox Slump
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Regardless of what happens this holiday season, August represented yet
>> | another month of disappointing sales for Microsoft's Xbox 360. Pachter
>> | for one had predicted that the company would sell between 200,000 and
>> | 300,000 consoles last month, but the sales came in at the bottom of
>> | that range, according to the NPD data he cited.
>> `----
> http://www.thestreet.com/_yahoo/newsanalysis/techstockupdate/10308023.html?cm_ven=YAHOO&amp;cm_cat=FREE&amp;cm_ite=NA
>> The XBox 360 has accumulated losses that must be approaching 10 billion
>> dollars. The XBox division was recently merged with another (for financial
>> business aspects) in order to hide/mitigate the impact. Also see:
>> Gamers Say Microsoft Understates Xbox Problems
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | "30-50 percent of them (Xbox 360's) have failed."
>> `----
>> http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2006/08/xbox_gamers02.html
>> Nintendo and Sony will soon release their high-powered, Linux-based
>> consoles.
> 10 BILLION in accumulated losses. Wow! No wondeer Bill Gates and company are
> jumping ship...
> May they can re-release the first xbox under a new name and make a few bucks
> that way.

That might work. Make up a phony company, change the outside of the
Yechs-Botch so nobody recognizes it, release it as a new killer game
appliance and soak up the dineros of the fools they always manage to
hoodwink anyway.

It's probably the best idea available to them. Nobody would associate
it with the piss-poor record MS has for nearly everything. Not for
awhile. A lot of people who have already been burned and gave up on the
box would probably be willing to waste some more money as long as a few
"independent" reviews gave it high ratings. They could advertise is as
compatible, making any existing games useful. MS could even file some
fake patent and trademark infringement lawsuits against themselves to
make it all look authentic.

Eventually the fake company would be forced out of business, sure. Who
cares? That's the idea: kill it before anybody can prove a connection.

It might even cause some bloggerss to express outrage over the
treatment Fake Gameware(tm) was receiving at the hands of the
monopolists. (They could even start a few of these themselves, just to
get the ball rolling and give themselves some cover.)

It might not cancel out the 10 billion in losses. But it could close
the gap considerably. Maybe it could give them a little cover to put
some serious effort into fixing the current crapware product's problems
in the name of "competitive needs".

The best part about it is, MS has had years of pactice at screwing
consumers behind them, passing off unsuitable products as usable,
making claims about what they will and won't do (and rarely
delivering), about what their products can and can't do (and rarely
telling the truth). Lying at this level is right up their alley. And as
I said, they can kill their own fake business off and use the remnants
as "proof" that the lawsuits were justified.

By the time some serious questions begin getting raised about
similarities, the false business would settle out of court, end up
bankrupt and defunct, and the hardware would "prove" "stolen IP", right
down to the hardware bugs.

This whole idea follows a lot of their usual business plan anywa. I'm
surprised they haven't thought of it already.

A Microsoft Certified System Engineer is to information technology
as a McDonalds Certified Food Specialist is to the culinary arts.

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