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Re: Vista vs. Linux: It's All Down to OEM's, Which Microsoft threatens

On Fri, 08 Sep 2006 17:58:26 -0700, billwg wrote:

>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Older messages (from Rex Ballard):
> You are citing Rex as an authority?  LOL!!!

I was waiting for someone to pick up on that one.
Personally if I were a Linux zealot advocate I would be praying every
night to the shinto Gods that Rex, 7 and a couple of other Linux
*advocates* would disappear because they just make the real Linux
advocates look like fools.

The fact that Roy supports that bozo just goes to prove the double
standard that exists in comp.os.linux.advocacy.

IOW post a pro Linux message and no matter how wrong or loonie it might be
the Linux COLA gang will back you up.

And some of the stuff Rex posts is so far removed from reality it's not
even close.

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