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Re: Impressive 3-D Visualisation of the Linux Kernel

  • Subject: Re: Impressive 3-D Visualisation of the Linux Kernel
  • From: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2006 14:44:34 +0200
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:cL5wWJoE+i+fFByr5UoBjrRpZLM=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • References: <5562863.NQV8tMqyCO@schestowitz.com> <87k64ij4tn.fsf@mail.com> <1157449359.831464.77530@m79g2000cwm.googlegroups.com>
  • User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1149921
mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> Hadron Quark wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> > A 3D animation of Linux source code development
>> > ,----[ Quote ]
>> > | These are 3D renderings of dependencies in the Linux kernel source code.
>> > `----
>> > http://perso.orange.fr/pascal.brisset/kernel3d/kernel3d.html
> This page worked fine.  Firefox opened the video with xanim by
> default.

xanim?!?! I have about 10 slightly dodgy viewers installed. I must try
this one. My favorite and most stable is still MPlayer, but until I get
a solution to getting my sound back there seems little point.

> I also downloaded it and viewed it with mplayer, my favorite.
> The 2.4.5 kernel is very modular!

Define modular and why you're discussing it here.

>> > Video in streaming Flash here:
>> > http://ssteam.ath.cx/news/3d-linux-kernel-visualizaiton/
> This page worked perfectly also.  Firefox is extremely stable,
> even when using the proprietary flash viewer.

The old "it works for me" : it didnt for me. In fact most flash stuff
doesnt "work for me". And FF hangs all the time. Maybe because I use
multiple tabs by default and have 3 or 4 extensions installed for
multi-language development. But guess what? I dont knock it : its
getting better and the extensions are marvellous.

>> The irony of this,
>> http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/3a9ebb2a70.png, was not lost on me.
> I wonder how "Hadron Quark", a lying propagandist for Microsoft,
> made it fail?  These Microsoft guys are good at making things fail.

MS guy? LOL. You have no idea. its probably that I *use* my machine and
dont just sit there typing "man" and gasping at the power that is Linux.

> Their constant presence in c.o.l.a, and particularly their attacks on
> Roy Schestowitz, are a clear indication of how worried Microsoft is
> about GNU/Linux.  They should be worried, as entire corporations,
> cities, and even nations are switching to Linux.
> Thanks, Roy -- keep up the great work!

Mark? Thought you were still stuck to Roy's bottom. Good to see you in the
light of day.

And just FYI : its not MS advocates who attack Roy's posts : its sane
Linux users who are sick to death of his misquotes and misreadings of
daily happenings. 

> Mark S Bilk
> mark at cosmicpenguin dot com

Linux ext2fs has been stable for a long time, now it's time to break it
		-- Linuxkongreà '95 in Berlin

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